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Let Me Tell     About Me!


Ivy Kashero sanding



Hey Friends,


Welcome to my space if you are finally connecting with me from my social media pages and my podcast.


Thank you for joining the #truthrepublik movement and I am looking forward to having fun and growing with you.


For those who don’t know me, I am proudly a soon to be 30-year-old lady techy in the cybersecurity space currently based out of Dubai in the UAE, a podcaster @truthrepublik, and a personal development Strategist, who believes that life has limitless possibilities and all we must do is create them and push ourselves to achieve the extraordinary.


If it wasn’t for the boldness of my mother, the world would never have seen the greatness that I had to offer and so for me to live life I must be intentional ensuring that every day counts as I share it with others.

As I have grown older I have come to the realization that society has created expectations that for most of us define our capabilities; what we can and cannot do hence holding many of us back.


I Got Here

Over the years I have challenged myself in my career, relationships as well as spiritual life to go against the nay Sayers, generational limitations, and challenged the status quo. That led to a beautiful journey of self-discovery and identifying my purpose and passion for the young generation.


Since I strongly believe in learning and teaching others to excel as I do,I decided to create the @truthrepulik movement. The purpose is to raise the standard by being the standard and create a purposeful life that’s worth living.


Helping young people elevate themselves spiritually, professionally financially as well as socio-economically.


Is Truth

You're probably wondering what I am mean by truth? The gospel is the truth I am talking about, that many may hear it and see it lived out for the glory of the kingdom of Christ. (John 8:32) That many may experience transformative life-altering encounters of Christ not just by hearing. But through Faith, believing, and living it out for themselves one person at a time for the world to experience a global transformation.


I know right “global transformation” seems too ambitious as most would say but that’s exactly the goal; believing big enough and trusting God to do his part as a society of young audacious people BOLD enough to push for that change one day at a time do their part.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. and I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and to carefully observe My ordinances.

— Ezekiel 36:26-27

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